People concerned about slipping in the bathtub or shower can read this and discover a simple yet effective solution in non slip bath mats and decals that are widely available to buy online or in hardware stores and supermarkets. The safety aspect cannot be overstated.

That's because according to recent studies, as many as 120 children each and every day are rushed to the emergency room at hospitals up and down the country for injuries related to slippages in the tub or shower. The real figures will be much higher when you take into account the minor injuries to children that go untreated because they simply don't go to hospital.

This is a major concern for parents with the safety of their children uppermost in their minds at all times. It makes perfect sense therefore to do whatever you can to minimize the risks when your kids take a bath or shower by having these simple, safe and highly effective non-slip bath mats, decals and appliques to hand.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Non Slip Bath Mats for Kids

If the risk of your kids slipping in the bathtub is a concern for you, one way to minimize that risk is to use non slip bath mats designed for kids of all ages. There are tons of great designs to choose from so you don't have to get bored with a plain, drab may that soon gets forgotten about.

Slipping in a bath or shower is not funny for anyone, no matter how slight and uneventful it may be. But worse, it can be dangerous if you or someone in your family actually slips and falls, because there are so many hard edges to fall on in a bathroom that severe physical damage can result.

A Preventable Danger

Slipping in the tub is a danger that is very preventable for adults and children alike. This is especially so when a suitable slip-resistant mat or sticker is applied to the slippery surface of the tub or shower.

When you consider how boisterous children can get when playing in the bath, is it any wonder that parents fret and worry over them having a nasty accident. At least with non-slip matting in place, some of that worry can be alleviated.

Making Bath Time Fun for Kids

In the case of younger children, the bath can be seen as a fun place to be when there are colorful images around the place. And what better way to add to the fun than with great bath decals!

You can choose from many of your children's favorite cartoon characters, cartoon scenes, movie characters, super heroes and TV favorites. In fact just about anything you can think of that your child will delight in seeing stuck to the floor of the bathtub is probably available as a decal.

Bright colors and happy designs are well known to stimulate very young children in a positive way. So not only are you helping to protect them from harm by placing a great slip resistant mat in your bathtub, you are also increasing their happy experience associated with bath times.

Choosing and Buying Nonslip Bathmats

Of course, the choice of these items is vast these days with a number of manufacturers producing all kinds of styles, color coordinates and themed mats, making it a tough choice to get what you really want. Well, why not enlist the help of the kids themselves?

That's right, your children will have a pretty good idea of what they'd like to see at bathtime. So why not simply get them to sit down with you online and choose what they want from the various collections that are on display?

You'll be glad you did when there are no arguments over what mat to put in the bath next time!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bathtub and Shower Safety with Non Slip Bath Mats

The safety of your children is at stake every day from slipping and falling in the bathtub or shower. Injuries related to these falls range from minor bruises to broken bones and lacerations or worse.

Caring parents are often horrified when it happens to their kids because often it is a safety issue they weren't prepared for. Be prepared and place a non-slip bath mat or decal to help prevent slipping and falling!

Shocking Statistics

A recent study that was published in HealthDay News highlighted a staggering statistic that each day, 120 children are taken to the emergency room suffering from injuries related to slipping in the tub. Young children of four years of age and under account for the majority of these accidents.

These figures do not take into account those kids that sustain minor injuries in the tub that were never taken to hospital. While common bathtub accidents include incidents of drowning or near-drowning and burns, the latest research highlights the fact that over 43,000 children are injured by slipping and falling each year!

Common Injuries

The most common injuries to toddlers that result from these slips and falls include cuts and lacerations of varying degrees, most particularly to the head. Since very young kids have a relatively high center of gravity, they are prone to toppling forward where there is a high risk of them striking their head and face.

Experts tend to lay the blame with manufacturers of bathtubs and showers for failing to provide sufficient surface friction. However, parents have some options they can do to prevent injuries to toddlers in the bathtub. Here are some of those opions:

  • Use non-slip mats in bathtubs and on the floor outside them
  • Install support bars in the tub for kids to hold when getting in and out
  • Insure toddlers are supervised in or around the tub at all times
  • Maintain constant physical contact with toddlers while in the bathtub

The Solution

Fortunately, there is a low cost, simple solution for this problem. It's one that you can easily obtain and apply for greater peace of mind.

Slip-resistant bath mats!

In the past, these injury-preventing mats were plain and dull, being merely functional and never given a second though by parents that used them to protect their kids. But it soon emerged that you can take a dull safety product and add some interest for kids by bringing them to life with colorful prints and decals.

The Choice is Endless

These days, you can get decals and mats depicting your children's favorite cartoon characters, playthings and other things of interest to add excitement and interest to bath times. Designs have gotten better and more interesting with color coordinated designs, animal shapes and styles to suit all bathroom preferences.

There is a huge choice of designs and styles that you can buy online at low prices from major stores. Now there is really no excuse for putting your child at risk of slipping and injuring themselves with such a wide, varied and exciting selection of mats available. See below for more details.